OAK CD provides an independent research, training and management consultancy service to the public, private and voluntary sectors. We support local authorities and public agencies with their public policy making.
Our experienced research and consultant team work collaboratively with you to consult, engage and involve marginalized groups. We have a strong track record in building and strengthening local involvement and leadership.
OAK CD provides a high-quality but competitive service with professionalism and integrity. We have a strong ethical approach and values, with an emphasis on being inclusive, respectful and accessible.
Research & Consultation
All our work aims to support and grow stronger and better communities. Our community consultation and engagement focuses on building up community strengths and improving communication between communities and others.
We work with all communities, but have a particular specialism in working with the hardest to reach BME and faith groups. We are able to design and deliver involvement strategies using a range of tools aimed at engaging with groups.
Our specialist team can:
- Undertake audits to map out the current position and establish a basis for consultation.
- Carry out extensive consultation with stakeholders and the wider community
- Identify community needs, the key issues, deficiencies and opportunities
- Produce policy and strategy documents with detailed action plans
- Undertake feasibility studies
Our Faith & Cultural Awareness Training programmes are about improving confidence and competency of employees when working with people of faith clients and or staff in the organisation. The training can help identify mechanisms to develop culturally sensitive service provision within your area of work and simultaneously also prevent racial and cultural stereotyping of people of faith and ethnicity through giving an understanding of cultural and religious needs and issues.
OAK CD has delivered faith training to many frontline workers and practitioners, It’s understanding and Islam & Muslims course has gained a solid reputation.
OAK CD has delivered faith training to many frontline workers and practitioners, It’s understanding and Islam & Muslims course has gained a solid reputation.
- Understanding Islam & Muslims Course half day or 1 day courses
- The Major faiths of the World.
- Understanding extremism & radicalization
- Organisational Management
- Leadership & Management
- Good Governance
- Positive Parenting & Discipline
- Mentoring young people
The Strategic Business Planning course is designed for committee management, Managers or those that have responsibility for planning within an organization.
Good practice in Running and Managing Mosques or Faith centres (1-2 days)
Based on elements covered in our book “A Management guide for Mosques & Islamic Centres” The training will help you understand the principles of management in the context of running a mosque, madrassah or Islamic centre. Some of the key components covered include:
Effective Teaching & Safeguarding Children in the Madrassah
This training programme is primarily directed at Imams and teachers with the aim of providing them with a better understanding of legal responsibilities particularly child protection as well techniques for behaviour management and more effective teaching methods.
- The role of Mosque Committees to ensure a clear direction and policies for Madrassah are in place.
- Understanding children and when they learn best
- Child protection & legislation
Management & Consultancy
Business & Strategic Planning

Our Faith & Cultural Awareness Training programmes are about improving confidence and competency of employees when working with people of faith clients and or staff in the organisation. The training can help identify mechanisms to develop culturally sensitive service provision within your area of work and simultaneously also prevent racial and cultural stereotyping of people of faith and ethnicity through giving an understanding of cultural and religious needs and issues.
OAK CD has delivered faith training to many frontline workers and practitioners, It’s understanding and Islam & Muslims course has gained a solid reputation.
Revenue Fundraising

We can help you secure grants and contracts. OAK CD can provide fundraising consultancy to maximise your fundraising potential from all revenue streams. We have helped a range of organisations to generate capital and revenue funding from a wide range of sources such as trusts, statutory funders, companies, major donors,. The team provides a comprehensive service from mentoring and advice to ‘hands on’ fundraising. For further information please give us a call.
Interim Management

We are able to provide management support and interim management for projects when there is a lack of project manager/s or director/s at much needed times.